This girl! And it's finally just starting to hit me. Monday morning, I'm making my way to the airport to make the journey home. It truly feels like centuries ago that I first stepped on Belgian soil --- and yet I can remember everything so vividly. I was nervous and full of emotions that I couldn't quite describe. I had no clue what this semester would have in store for me. It's still crazy for me to wrap my mind around the fact that the last time I saw my friends and family was in January.
Today I finished my last exam (after a month full of stress and studying). I ran some last minute errands. I also met up with one of my friends I made here for one last coffee shop trip. The rest of my evening has been spent detoxing with a Netflix Friends binge session and a large cheese pizza...and I can't say I'm mad about it.
So. I wanted to take some time to reflect on my experience here. A couple days ago I took a study break and read some of my older posts, thinking how glad I was that I kept track of my memories through this blog. As tomorrow will be filled with many goodbyes, I thought now would be the best time to reflect back on it all.

They say that home isn't a place, it's a person. Well, I think Leuven proved me wrong - it can be both. Everywhere I have traveled to, everywhere I made memories, I leave a little piece of my heart. People say that going out and seeing the world changes you. And they're right. In the last five months, I have traveled through 8 countries and close to 20 cities. Everywhere has touched my soul in a different manner. Budapest was my first taste of Eastern Europe. I got to experience the works of some of the most artistically talented individuals in the world in Rome. Ireland showed me what true natural beauty looks like. And Belgium taught me how to live life like a true European. I am just completely amazed at what this world has to offer. While I checked many places I have always dreamed of visiting, I only added more and more as my time continued here. I find it so fascinating that this planet is full of so many diverse cultures. It's so neat to see how history has shaped us and our environments into the way they are today. It's what I love about travel. It's like taking a step back in time, or entering a new world where the adventures to be had are endless.

Now, let me be honest. When I chose to study abroad, it was mainly for the travel aspect. I wasn't trying to get away from Hanover or from my family or from my friends. I just wanted to experience the world from a new perspective. It's one thing to take a 3-week vacation throughout Europe, but to actually live's indescribable. It's crazy to think that somewhere halfway around the world, this town in Belgium would one day become a place I'd call home. One of the best parts about this experience were the people I met. We ended up becoming very close with a Belgian student at KU Leuven who will always hold a special place in my heart. It's because of her that I traveled to Budapest, that I met so many locals, that I got to experience true Belgian culture. She welcomed us into her life fully, and for that I am so thankful. Not only were her and her friends wonderful, but I got to meet kids from other schools throughout the US going through the same experience as we were. It was so nice getting to know them, and getting to hear all about their lives in different parts of the country back home.

One of the things that surprised me most? How much I learned about myself. I truly am an independent person, so when I knew I was leaving for 5 months, I didn't think twice about missing home or my family. But I truly have. It's been hard being away from them for so long. I got homesick and lonely a few times, but it only made me stronger. I think at Hanover I'm so used to having a million different activities I'm involved in, that I never really have time to just be with myself. Here in Belgium, I definitely had plenty of time to reflect and to think about who I am and where I am going. It brought me closer with some of the most extraordinary people who will always have a special place in my heart as well (you know who you are).

As I'm concluding this post, it's truly begun to hit me that I will be leaving this place and this country. Who knows when I'll return, but all I've got to say is thank you Belgium, and thank you Leuven for the ride of my life. Thank you for showing me the beauty in some of the simplest moments, and for opening my eyes to what this world has to offer. While I leave with a head full of bittersweet thoughts and emotions, I know that my time here will be a memory I will cherish for a lifetime. Cheers!
Photo Creds: LCR Photography